
Mailchimp integration Overview

What is Mailchimp integration?

Big Cartel Mailchimp integration has a highly useful strategic shift in line with other partnerships and Mailchimp integration. It is important because targets help online store owners in terms of email marketing. The integration works by allowing users to link their Big Cartel with Mailchimp thus making it easier for users to manage information of customers.


Big Cartel Mailchimp integration with these programs helps business owners manage their email campaigns more effectively. This integration helps users to eliminate the problem of manually adding customers from Big Cartel when email marketing is needed through Mailchimp. All the business owner has to do is cut across the user’s interactions with the store for email marketing purposes. 

Another critical feature of the Big Cartel Mailchimp integration is that it supports triggered campaigns for existing subscribers, for example when sending thank you notes for the first order, or campaigns for abandoning the cart.

It also makes positive contributions to the creation of an updated marketing database to avoid wastage of time on already known inappropriate marketing strategies.

Overall Rating


Ease of Use7/10


Templates & Design7.5/10


SEO & Marketing8/10



Customer Support10/10

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